Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Review Clarins Shaping Facial Lift Serum-#1 Seller in Asia

Last month, Clarins has finally launched the Facial Shaping Lift Serum in selective stores at Macy's.  Being the account development specialist of Clarins, I got to receive the first hand information on this MAGICAL facial shaping serum. 

I am going to tell you this: I LOVE THE PRODUCT!!!!!!

It does deliver what it promises: remove water retention, reduce excessive fat and contour your face--All in One!!!!  

Since age of twenty-five, I started to see my nasal line being more prominent and my jaw lines become more blended with my neck (I gained 10lbs since then).  Thus, I become very self-conscious about my face shape and always wanted to get rid of the few pounds I gained so my face will become more contoured for photograph again(as you all know, we appear 10lbs heavier on pictures already and being a makeup artist, you want to look in your best at all times). 

This Facial Shaping Lift Serum works in just a day.  I remember I put it on one time at night and one time in the morning, my mom can already tell my face became less puffy the next morning!  And I can see that my jawline becomes more defined and the shape of my face is more oval than ROUND.   Also, it gets rid of toxins.  I fell in sick for a week and I didn't use this serum during that time.  My face became very puffy because of sickness and medicine.  My co-worker reminded me to use it again.  A day later, my face became contoured and lifted.  

Application: Clarins has a special method for you to apply the product so that it will be more effective.  I typically use it twice a day, AM and PM, before any serum.  It is a serum before serum.  Then, I apply my other serum followed with a day/night moisturizer. 

My skin is soft, even and luminous.  

Friday, July 13, 2012

Summer eye shadow 清涼眼裝


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

That Healthy Summer Glow

Summertime is in full swing and that means heat, lemonade, BBQ and bikinis!  However, we mustn't neglect our skin and fall victim to those so-called "healthy tans."  There is no such thing as a healthy tan. Luckily, modern science has perfected a safer tan that anyone can use right in the privacy of their own home.
So, I took it upon myself to try out a few different self- tanners and here are my newfound favorites.

Number uno, the golden standard, is Summer Color Self-Tanning mist by Banana Boat.
This is a terrific spray tan to utilize at home. It provides a beautiful golden glow without looking orange.  The scent is a pleasantly light citrus and the color lasts for a good week.  It won't leave stains on your furniture and dries super fast.

If you're looking for something that is more gradual and develops over several applications, try Jergens Natural Glow.

A handful of applications will be required over a period of about seven days to achieve the desired look but it is very natural and everyone will notice your new "tan." 
These are both drugstore brands and are found just about anywhere right now.  
So, a few tips when using....
1.  Always always always wash your hands really well with soap after applying.  This will prevent the dreaded orange palms look that is commonly associated with self tanner use.
2.  Let the stuff fully dry before you get dressed or sit on furniture.  They will streak otherwise and can stain clothing.
3.  I've found it best to apply them right after showering and on freshly shaved legs. This will prevent your flooring from being a victim to orange stains and shaving first keeps the application smooth.
4.  Rub them in really well to prevent splotchy spots and streaks.
5.  Use less around the knees and ankles.  These areas spot up easily and will look bruised up otherwise. I speak from experience.
6. Finally, break out those short shorts hidden away and rock out your new tan without the cancer risk!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Bou-Nacklie-Pelin Project

      Couple of weeks ago, I worked on a project with Michael Bou-Nacklie and Pelin.  I met them back in March 2012 when I did the "Nouveau Deco" bridal photo shoot with Blessed Event.

Very feminine touch
       Being a photojournalist for more than a decade,  Michael not only has the capability to capture elements happening around him but also to execute high quality work in editorial photography.  I really adore his work, his aesthetic vision, and his dedication to photography.  Many of his work were published in the Gulf and the Kingdom.  Some of his clients are Gucci, DKNY and Prada.  Michael is now a grad student in Ohio working on his Master Degree in Photojournalism.  I feel very honored to work with Michael.

Since our first meeting in March, we have talked about collaborating some fashion editorial projects together along with Pelin, one of  our most favorite models.  She's beautiful, fun, vibrant and energetic.  Working with her always gives me lots of inspirations.
Inspirational Board of the Bou-Nacklie-Pelin Project
        Michael favors the very classy retro style and/or a very simple composition that emphasize the femininity of a woman, i.e. hourly glass shape, wavy hair and natural makeup.  In our conversations, we both agree that a late 1950's look is one of the most flattering and feminine representation of female figures: big wavy hair, arched eyebrows, thick eyeliner, beauty mark, and etc.  All of these fashion elements speaks for the particular trend of the era/culture.

       From here, we have developed many other looks/themes we both like.  Hence, the Bou-Nacklie-Pelin Project was born.   Below are the product of our work.  As a makeup artist and hair stylist, our role in working a project like this is to facilitate and deliver the mood/theme we try to create.  Thus, thorough communication with the photographer is essential.  It not only takes one's skill to execute but also one's interpretation of the theme and model's features.  Before the project, I have done research on the era upon makeup, hair and fashion.  With better understanding the history, I was able to twig the makeup and hair according to the model to re-create the look.  The point is to re-create the vibe with a touch of modern fashion.  

MUA: JBX Studio-Annie Chen, Hair: JBX Studio-June B. Xu

MUA: JBX Studio-June B. Xu, Hair: JBX Studio-Annie Chen

This is my absolute favorite!


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Review Bare Mineral Round The Clock waterproof Eyeliner

Now, here comes the BareMineral Round The Clock Waterproof Eyeliner.   It cost $14 and is very creamy.  It goes on like cream but sets like liquid.  You don't need to use anything to set the liner since it will set by itself when it dries.  Thus, if you want to create that smokey eyeliner effect, you better smudge it with a little sponge before it sets.  In addition, the pigmentation is really good too.  It glides on very easily without any stops(see below)

I applied my liner on the waterline on top and bottom and it does not smudge on me.   The pictures below shows how it really works around the clock.  By the way, the color I chose is called 8PM, which is black I believe.  

At 10:00AM, nice and fresh.    

At 2:00PM, it looks pretty good without touch up.
At 7:00PM, okay now, it is really looking good after almost 10 hrs.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Cle De Peau Intensifying Cream Liner

Since everybody is into Sun and waterproof products, I'm going to start posting reviews on various eyeliners.   The first one is Cle De Peau Intensifying Cream Liner.  It comes with a retractable small eyeliner brush, which I found very useful and it can create the finest lines with the cream.  The cream is very smooth and easy to glide.  This is also one of my pet peeves.  I like eyeliners that are a little bit softer for application.  The harder it is, the more difficult to put on.  Since it is so soft, it won't make any stops when you draw.

The color I chose is dark grey with a hint of blue.  I do like how it turns out.  It's not a water proof liner but it does give you the waterproof effect.  I started my makeup at 9:00AM and ran some errands during the day.  By 7:00PM, my liners are still there, with only a tiny bit of smudges on the tip of my eyes. Please see the pictures below.  Notice, I did not wipe away the smudges before taking a pictures.

One thing I wanted to emphasize is that all of these cream products have a layer of concealer to seal off the products so it won't get dry out so quickly.  Thus, I suggest not to break the seal by only use the products with a clean brush and always get it from the same area(see below).  Otherwise, cream products will get dry out quicker and get contaminated a lot easier than any other form of shadows/eyeliners.

Our next product to be tested is Bare Mineral Around The Clock!  I love the pigmentation of it.  However, can it stand the test?  Stay tuned!

9:00AM, Just applied the liner.  I really love the color, sort of smoky yet subtle

12:00PM, Came home from the bank and outdoor.  It went faded a little bit on the corner. But, still looking good overall.
5:00PM, in general, the eye liners are still there, yet it is not as dark as when we first applied it.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Make up trial on my friend

最近因為買了不少新東西,所以找來了我的朋友把它們試試看,不知道大家覺得怎麼,給點意見吧!幾乎所有products 都是cream的,最近愛上了creamy stuff haha

Sunday, July 1, 2012

韓式彩裝+試用L'oreal new cream foundation

今天在家嘗試大熱的韓式裝,感覺不錯, 不會太誇張, 主打大地色眼影和眼尾眼線。另外最近都在尋找好用開架化裝品,試用了L'oreal 的visible lift repairing foundation, 感覺它遮暇效果很好,也不算厚重,雖然比 起粉底液它是厚一點,如果皮膚狀態很好,就不需要用它,但是如果臉上有痘疤,斑的話,就是不錯的選擇

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


最近逛街尋找適合夏天使用的彩裝品,偶然看了看平常不怎麼買的maybelline, 發現他們家出了新眼影霜,叫color tattoo,看名字就覺得蠻厲害的,強調不掉色,防水,夏天就是要這些,價錢很親民,$6.99,想說就算失敗也不痛就買來試試看,回家一試就愛上,防水效果不比專櫃差,想玩水又想維持美美裝容就要買,有圖為證哦,顏色很多,而且很閃亮,大家就看看我的實驗吧^0^ 有空再去多買幾個顏色和大家分享。

Working with International Model Stacey Pearl Stewart

It was a great pleasure working Stacey Pearl Stewart. She is a young,vibrant, energizing American, now working in Milan, Italy as a professional model.  She came to Houston this summer to visit her family and decided to work on a few projects.

I met her through SPIA and she is such a sweetheart. Throughout the time she stayed in Houston, we did a total of three shoots together.  Being the first time working with an international model, I was a little bit anxious.  After working with her, I really adore Stacey's professional working attitude, friendly personality, and far vision.  We became really good friend in a short period of time.

In this project, all makeups for these look are different.

Here is the sneak peak for the first look and more are on their way!

Look 1, smokey winged eyes with red lips

Look 2, nude lips with smokey eyes

Look 3, bronzy skin with golden eyes.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Pink Project

Last Sunday, I had a great time working on the "Pink Project" with Janean Johnson at JaJo Couture, Mark Bradley, and Shelby Carter.  My role was designing and executing the makeup to accommodate the outfit and jewelry.  It was an exciting shoot and took place in an abandoned mansion in the middle of River Oaks.

The idea came from Janean's pink wig.  That's right, a pink wig.  She called me and told me that she had an idea for a project involved everything in pink, pink makeup, pink hair, pink outfit, and etc.  Thus, we went over a few makeup ideas that she found online and I also showed her a look I always wanted to do: a princess doll look, which coincided with the pink project.
Source: tumblr.com via June on Pinterest

So, what exactly would be my job here?  Yes, I am the makeup artist for this project, however, I also assist the client to design this makeup look and to incorporate her idea into this project.  Makeup and Hair sounds like the least important part of the project in many people's mind.  However, it is essential to deliver certain mood or time era.  Although you have the essential outfit, background, and photographer, you will need the most suitable makeup and hair to complete the theme.  It also takes one's aesthetic perception and experience with color and culture to carry this out.

On the day of this project, we shot seven looks, which would require three transitions in makeup and slightly little difference in hair.  We started with pink eye shadow and lips, transition to coral/beige lip and eye, then finally, the avant garde pink cheeks fading into coral on the forehead.  Because the location had no AC, we were working in an natural environment with little bit help from the fan.  Due to this nature, I had to use a different makeup technique to prolong the longevity of makeup.  I incorporated baby powder to set the foundation and to give a really powdery retro kind of finish to the face.  The result was amazing.  She had no oil on her face for three hours.  And the baby powder keeps her cool the entire time.

Here is the board of ideas and stay tuned for the real deal!!!
Now, we are uploading behind the scenes.  

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Banana republic event

在6月7號晚上5:00 到8:00 我和June,Jessica一起在BananaRepublic 為他們的Petite Store 新Trina Turk Collection 做宣傳,這個idea非常新穎,彩妝與衣服的互相配合,帶出意想不到的效果。設計師利用帶有強烈夏季氣色的花紋與顏色去大聲告訴大家夏季已到,所以在彩妝上我們也利用鮮艷的唇色來和此系列對應,今季春夏持續走復古風,鮮艷唇膏持續走紅,再配合簡單大地色眼裝,不但帶出活力氣息,也讓時尚感流露出來。 這次活動讓不少客人對彩妝與衣服對應有了了解,發覺原來妝容和整體造型是密不可分的。 這次活動圓滿結束,希望未來JBX studio 能有更多機會參與類似活動,讓更多人對彩妝更了解。