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Preview “The Color of Spring” 樣片《春。花樣年華》預告 |
休士頓時尚攝影師Scott McCombs是在Arizona州的印第安人保護區長大的。 因此, 他從小就在一個充滿藝術氛圍的環境下長大。 他的父親是一位專業的攝影師而且教會了他如何拍黑白膠捲的照片。 也因此, Scott從小就喜歡繪畫以至攝影藝術。
讀大學的時候, 他主修了素描,平面設計和油畫。 由於在學習過程中, 要尋找一位好的攝影師為他的作品集拍攝不是一件容易的事, Scott購買了他的第一台單反相機,並且發現自己對攝影充滿濃烈的興趣。
經過多年在廣告行業裏面的曆練, Scott學會並累積了燈光的利用和攝影構圖的經驗。 他勇敢地接受了一個時裝秀抓拍的項目。 雖然時裝秀的場地燈光比較暗而且人群比較多,Scott卻感到無比的興奮。 尤其是看到自己拍攝出的成果之後, 他為自己的努力感到欣慰。 當晚, 他工作到淩晨3點才回家。 一回家就興高采烈地把自己的工作過程與剛從睡夢中蘇醒的太太分享。 這次的拍攝奠定了Scott向時尚攝影師發展的方向和信心。 對於Scott來說,每個時裝展和宣傳品的成功都有賴於整個龐大的團隊的合作, 包括設計師,模特,化妝師,髮型師,後勤等等。 而他的攝影目標就是為這些偉大的創作藝術家們留下讓人難忘的影像。
在2012年, Scott McCombs的攝影組將與JBX形象工作室強強聯手,為休士頓的時尚界增添色彩。2012年打響的第一炮就是時尚攝影《春:花樣年華》。
I grew up on an Indian Reservation in Arizona rich in culture and art, I was influenced by many successful and talented artists. My father was a photographer by profession and taught me the basics of black and white film photography along with other forms of art at an early age. As a child I was more interested in illustration and painting rather than photography.
In College I studied film, illustration, graphic design, and painting. While working on my graphic design portfolio I struggled to find a photographer who could capture my work the way I wanted, and so I went out and bought my first DSLR camera. After shooting my portfolio and learning the functions of my camera It seemed very natural for me to adjust my settings and compose my shot and get some good photos. It was this moment that I really discovered a passion inside me to want to take pictures.
After a few years of experimenting and reading everything I could about the fundamentals of photography and building up my skills with lighting and composition, I took a job shooting a fashion show. There were about 2 or 3 other photographers at the event and I tried to do the best I could to try to compete with the other photographers. It was a tuff event to cover, the light was very minimal and the crowd hard to maneuver around but when the night was over I felt excited and happy with the shots I got. I felt a sense of this is what I want to focus my artistic efforts on. I remember getting home after the show and waking my wife up at 3 in the morning to tell her of the experience. I think what motivates me as an artist in the fashion industry is collaborating with creative passionate people at a fashion shoot. You have models, make-up people, hairstylists, clothing designers, and other artists who see my photos as a visual memorial that solidifies their hard work and passion, and captures a brief moment of carefully orchestrated artists collaborating and working together to create something beautiful.
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