今天是年初八,日子過得真快啊,轉眼間就快過完年了。 明天是農曆正月初九, 是玉皇大帝誕辰, 也是我的農曆生日。 每年到了這天, 我奶奶總會給我一個大紅包,叔叔和嬸嬸也會記得跟我說生日快樂,即使我遠在美國也不例外。 今年,我奶奶一早就跟我視頻把紅封包給我看。 她說:“衰妹,老即咗好多。(意思是: 我長大了成熟了許多)
今年的春節, 我特想家。其實我每天都想家。自從來了美國,我有十多年沒有回過家過年了,有十多年沒有逛過廣州一年一度的迎春花市了。 小的時候,逛花街是我們小朋友最喜歡做的事情。 就算沒有要買花,也要去逛一下湊個熱鬧才叫過年。 而年三十就是咱們家團圓的時候,每次全家人坐在一齊,總是喜氣洋洋,歡聲笑語,三叔三嬸總有他們爆笑的場面。 而二嬸也常常因為她的冒失惹得全家人哈哈大笑。 我和堂弟鵬稀則是嘉明和三叔取消的對象。 每年的年初三,我們家總會去肇慶探親和去鼎湖山拜佛。 然後再回到龍洞的屋子放煙花。 回想起來我的童年還算是蠻幸福而溫馨的。
雖然來休士頓已經是第十二個年頭了, 我沒有一天忘記家。 是的,我和媽媽都在這邊,這是我的家,可是廣州也是我的家啊。 我是這樣想的,親人在哪,家就在哪。
好! 今年的大計就是好好做自己的工作, 爭取明年回家過年。
Monday, January 30, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
June Interviews Dr. Petrus Yeung on TV - How to Achieve An Attractive Smile
Dr. Petrus Yeung was interviewed by CIN Yang Yan Yang Yu, It's Your Voice. He told us the secrets of achieving an attractive smile.
Dr. Petrus Yeung was graduated from Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health in 2008. Same year, he obtained a certificate in Public Health in Dentistry from University of North Carolina. Then he went on advanced study in General Practice Residency in University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. It is always his passion to provide a dental home to every patient. Dr. Yeung welcomes his patient and their children into his practice. Dr. Yeung is competent in intravenous conscious sedation and oral sedation to accommodate dental phobic patient. His working experience in University Hospital provides him an opportunity in treating medically compromised patient and dental emergency patient. Dr. Yeung always dedicates to providing his patient with comprehensive, state of art dentistry, including tooth-color restoration, root canal therapy, wisdom teeth surgery, Zoom! Whitening therapy, non-surgical gum disease treatment, crown and bridge and implant dentistry.
Smile Designers
Thursday, January 26, 2012
01-26-2012 A Great Day for Netowrking
This is another great day for me! I got up at 6:30 in the morning and went to a business networking event called Referral Business Builders, where entrepreneurs get to know each other and refer business to each other. It was a great event and I get to meet some great people there and look forward to the next event.
Through this networking event, I met Mr. William Spencer and referred me to another entrepreneur group event taken place after the Referral Business Builders. Thus, I rushed to that one and again, met some great people there and opened up my sight of what's happening in the world.
Mr. Spencer gave me a very important lesson for social networking today and I'm gonna share with you all
1. Never come in with a mindset to sell;
2. Everybody has agendas and make sure that you focus on where you want to be and don't get sidetracked.
Both pointers are very important to me at this stage of my life. In the past year and half, I've done lots of things and gained lots of experience through different avenues. During this time, I got pulled into different directions and tried out many different things, which I'm not feeling regretful about. However, it was a true life experience on the way toward success. Often enough, I was pulled to the directions where other saw my ability of executing things and assisted them in making their dream come true. I always ended up doing lots of things benefiting others and building good will for others. From these experiences, I learned to be focus and assess where you are from time to time.
I am very grateful with what I have learned and done since I left accounting and feeling very appreciative with the people who help me along the way! I always believe that the BEST is yet to come!
Through this networking event, I met Mr. William Spencer and referred me to another entrepreneur group event taken place after the Referral Business Builders. Thus, I rushed to that one and again, met some great people there and opened up my sight of what's happening in the world.
Mr. Spencer gave me a very important lesson for social networking today and I'm gonna share with you all
1. Never come in with a mindset to sell;
2. Everybody has agendas and make sure that you focus on where you want to be and don't get sidetracked.
Both pointers are very important to me at this stage of my life. In the past year and half, I've done lots of things and gained lots of experience through different avenues. During this time, I got pulled into different directions and tried out many different things, which I'm not feeling regretful about. However, it was a true life experience on the way toward success. Often enough, I was pulled to the directions where other saw my ability of executing things and assisted them in making their dream come true. I always ended up doing lots of things benefiting others and building good will for others. From these experiences, I learned to be focus and assess where you are from time to time.
I am very grateful with what I have learned and done since I left accounting and feeling very appreciative with the people who help me along the way! I always believe that the BEST is yet to come!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
今天, 因為沒有收到通告, 就一直賴在家裡。 睡衣從頭穿到底,哈哈。
晚飯後, 媽媽去了朋友家, 就剩我一人在家。 是的, 沒有去拍拖, 年初一吵了架,現在還不知戰況如何, 應該是進入冷戰期吧, 再來就是冷靜期, 然後就是見面遙遙無期罷了。
所以啊, 今天就在家裡捧著一杯白開水,細細思量自己這一年的經歷。
那麼,我就給大家說一下我這段時間裏對彩妝師,造型師在美國市場的一些經驗吧, 以作參考。
在國內, 彩妝師的職責其實蠻多, 包括化妝,頭髮,和整體造型的配合, 要做到面面俱到。 而且由於國內新人們對婚禮的重視和生活水平的提高, 造型師無論在婚禮造型上或是商業宣傳上佔有一席重要的位置。 所以,對造型師的要求也一般比較高。
在美國,則不一樣。 尤其是我現在身處的這個市場, 德州休士頓, 一個以航天技術,石油化工科技和癌症醫療聞名的城市,和時尚實在是沾不上邊。 所以, 在這邊,時尚產業並不旺盛。 當初, 我入行的時候, 覺得畢竟從事這一行業的中國人、亞洲人比較少, 在婚紗化妝方面有一定的市場, 加上對造型和藝術的熱愛,促使我投身了這個行業。
入行以後才發現,這邊的化妝師就只是化妝師。 這邊的人們大多喜歡到百貨商店的櫃檯購買幾個產品, 然後讓櫃檯小姐為她們特別的日子化上妝。 如果是婚禮或者是拍訂婚照的, 一般都會在網上找個比較有名的彩妝師,弄個Updo,化個濃妝就完事了。 訂婚照最簡單, 由於這邊不流行穿婚紗拍訂婚照, 就把頭髮吹吹,弄個公主頭就好了。
就是這個原因,我入行後感到挺迷惘的, 不知從何做起。 就這樣, Freelance了一段時間之後, 我也加入了百貨公司櫃檯小姐的行列。 是的, 一個會計的碩士畢業生去做只有十塊美金多一點一個小時的工作。 每天站八個小時, 每四個小時可以去小息15分鐘。 當時我覺得真的是非人的生活。 可是, 我也非常珍惜在這短短幾個月裏面學到的東西, 我學會了要成為一名成功的彩妝師的必須條件, 就是耐心和人際關係的處理。 作為化妝專櫃小姐, 你每天的工作都不會是一樣的。 有時候,你的日銷售額是過千,有時候卻捧個零雞蛋,這需要極大的耐心和韌力。 雖然我的工作其實是推銷產品,可是這是一個不可多得的經驗。 因為你會接觸到很多很多不同的人和面孔,從東方到西方,從青春期的油性肌膚到熟齡肌,你都可以接觸得到。 而且人們會因為她們的文化而產生對美的偏好,例如中國人普遍喜歡嫩白的肌膚,而拉丁裔人喜歡有亮澤的小麥肌。 所以作為化妆专柜小姐可以在這方面吸取到豐富的經驗。
今天就先到這, 下次再深入一點跟大家說一下我的經歷
晚飯後, 媽媽去了朋友家, 就剩我一人在家。 是的, 沒有去拍拖, 年初一吵了架,現在還不知戰況如何, 應該是進入冷戰期吧, 再來就是冷靜期, 然後就是見面遙遙無期罷了。
所以啊, 今天就在家裡捧著一杯白開水,細細思量自己這一年的經歷。
那麼,我就給大家說一下我這段時間裏對彩妝師,造型師在美國市場的一些經驗吧, 以作參考。
在國內, 彩妝師的職責其實蠻多, 包括化妝,頭髮,和整體造型的配合, 要做到面面俱到。 而且由於國內新人們對婚禮的重視和生活水平的提高, 造型師無論在婚禮造型上或是商業宣傳上佔有一席重要的位置。 所以,對造型師的要求也一般比較高。
在美國,則不一樣。 尤其是我現在身處的這個市場, 德州休士頓, 一個以航天技術,石油化工科技和癌症醫療聞名的城市,和時尚實在是沾不上邊。 所以, 在這邊,時尚產業並不旺盛。 當初, 我入行的時候, 覺得畢竟從事這一行業的中國人、亞洲人比較少, 在婚紗化妝方面有一定的市場, 加上對造型和藝術的熱愛,促使我投身了這個行業。
入行以後才發現,這邊的化妝師就只是化妝師。 這邊的人們大多喜歡到百貨商店的櫃檯購買幾個產品, 然後讓櫃檯小姐為她們特別的日子化上妝。 如果是婚禮或者是拍訂婚照的, 一般都會在網上找個比較有名的彩妝師,弄個Updo,化個濃妝就完事了。 訂婚照最簡單, 由於這邊不流行穿婚紗拍訂婚照, 就把頭髮吹吹,弄個公主頭就好了。
就是這個原因,我入行後感到挺迷惘的, 不知從何做起。 就這樣, Freelance了一段時間之後, 我也加入了百貨公司櫃檯小姐的行列。 是的, 一個會計的碩士畢業生去做只有十塊美金多一點一個小時的工作。 每天站八個小時, 每四個小時可以去小息15分鐘。 當時我覺得真的是非人的生活。 可是, 我也非常珍惜在這短短幾個月裏面學到的東西, 我學會了要成為一名成功的彩妝師的必須條件, 就是耐心和人際關係的處理。 作為化妝專櫃小姐, 你每天的工作都不會是一樣的。 有時候,你的日銷售額是過千,有時候卻捧個零雞蛋,這需要極大的耐心和韌力。 雖然我的工作其實是推銷產品,可是這是一個不可多得的經驗。 因為你會接觸到很多很多不同的人和面孔,從東方到西方,從青春期的油性肌膚到熟齡肌,你都可以接觸得到。 而且人們會因為她們的文化而產生對美的偏好,例如中國人普遍喜歡嫩白的肌膚,而拉丁裔人喜歡有亮澤的小麥肌。 所以作為化妆专柜小姐可以在這方面吸取到豐富的經驗。
今天就先到這, 下次再深入一點跟大家說一下我的經歷
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
The Resolution by Papercut和我對生命的感悟
Last Monday, 1-16-12, I was scheduled to work on the makeup for a musci video by Papercut! I got up really really early that day and rushed to artists' studio.
I stayed there until 12:00PM. The two artists, Cheeto and George, are very talented! The song name is The Resolution.
I finally get to see this MV and it is looking really cool!!!
這首歌和MV是描述一對青年男女的愛情故事。 由於男孩主動對女孩提出分手,而女孩始終都放不下男孩, 所以男孩為了讓女孩可以放下自己, 最後決定結束自己的生命。 MV的製作非常精美,導演David Nguen對色彩和燈光運用得非常細膩,體現出這個MV的陰鬱感。 兩位作者也在製作過程中流露出真實的感情。
雖然我非常欣賞兩位作家, 可是我對這個MV傳達的信息並不太能理解。 生命實在是太寶貴了, 不應該隨便放棄。我今年也28了, 奔三了, 也經歷過好幾段愛情,也還沒有著落。 我的愛情里也有讓我難以悉懷的經驗, 我也有傻傻地等待,默默地付出的時候。 現在回想,總覺得初戀時的我感情是最純粹,最不帶任何世俗雜質的。 可是, 在這些年的戀愛里,我也有被傷害和傷害也經歷過。 說句實話,當你被傷害過後, 你的免疫力就加強了。 可能有人會覺得我講得太現實了, 可是實際上就是這樣。 生命太美好了。 而戀愛只是生命中的一部分, 雖然是生活必然經歷的事情,但何必為了一個不愛自己的人放棄生命呢?
I stayed there until 12:00PM. The two artists, Cheeto and George, are very talented! The song name is The Resolution.
I finally get to see this MV and it is looking really cool!!!
這首歌和MV是描述一對青年男女的愛情故事。 由於男孩主動對女孩提出分手,而女孩始終都放不下男孩, 所以男孩為了讓女孩可以放下自己, 最後決定結束自己的生命。 MV的製作非常精美,導演David Nguen對色彩和燈光運用得非常細膩,體現出這個MV的陰鬱感。 兩位作者也在製作過程中流露出真實的感情。
雖然我非常欣賞兩位作家, 可是我對這個MV傳達的信息並不太能理解。 生命實在是太寶貴了, 不應該隨便放棄。我今年也28了, 奔三了, 也經歷過好幾段愛情,也還沒有著落。 我的愛情里也有讓我難以悉懷的經驗, 我也有傻傻地等待,默默地付出的時候。 現在回想,總覺得初戀時的我感情是最純粹,最不帶任何世俗雜質的。 可是, 在這些年的戀愛里,我也有被傷害和傷害也經歷過。 說句實話,當你被傷害過後, 你的免疫力就加強了。 可能有人會覺得我講得太現實了, 可是實際上就是這樣。 生命太美好了。 而戀愛只是生命中的一部分, 雖然是生活必然經歷的事情,但何必為了一個不愛自己的人放棄生命呢?
Jajo Couture Fall 2012 Ravens and Rage
While everybody is working on publishing their spring 2012 collections, designer of JaJo Couture, Janean Johnson, is ahead of the game by getting her fall 2012 collections out. Last Saturday, I was very lucky to have this chance of working with Janean on this photoshoot "Ravens and Rage".
Before the photoshoot, Janean and I have disussed the makeup look for the models. Since it is so Gothic, we decided that we should stick with the color scheme of the collection, red, black and grays. Janean loves the black lipstick and a couture eyeliner. Thus, I kept the face look very simple yet flawless with only some contouring. I did the extended eyeliner on Teresa. And I also did the eye brows the same way. She looked wicked awesome!!! This is one of the best couture look I've ever done by far! Loving it!!!
Preview Photoshoot: The Color Of Spring 樣片《春。花樣年華》預告
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Preview “The Color of Spring” 樣片《春。花樣年華》預告 |
休士頓時尚攝影師Scott McCombs是在Arizona州的印第安人保護區長大的。 因此, 他從小就在一個充滿藝術氛圍的環境下長大。 他的父親是一位專業的攝影師而且教會了他如何拍黑白膠捲的照片。 也因此, Scott從小就喜歡繪畫以至攝影藝術。
讀大學的時候, 他主修了素描,平面設計和油畫。 由於在學習過程中, 要尋找一位好的攝影師為他的作品集拍攝不是一件容易的事, Scott購買了他的第一台單反相機,並且發現自己對攝影充滿濃烈的興趣。
經過多年在廣告行業裏面的曆練, Scott學會並累積了燈光的利用和攝影構圖的經驗。 他勇敢地接受了一個時裝秀抓拍的項目。 雖然時裝秀的場地燈光比較暗而且人群比較多,Scott卻感到無比的興奮。 尤其是看到自己拍攝出的成果之後, 他為自己的努力感到欣慰。 當晚, 他工作到淩晨3點才回家。 一回家就興高采烈地把自己的工作過程與剛從睡夢中蘇醒的太太分享。 這次的拍攝奠定了Scott向時尚攝影師發展的方向和信心。 對於Scott來說,每個時裝展和宣傳品的成功都有賴於整個龐大的團隊的合作, 包括設計師,模特,化妝師,髮型師,後勤等等。 而他的攝影目標就是為這些偉大的創作藝術家們留下讓人難忘的影像。
在2012年, Scott McCombs的攝影組將與JBX形象工作室強強聯手,為休士頓的時尚界增添色彩。2012年打響的第一炮就是時尚攝影《春:花樣年華》。
I grew up on an Indian Reservation in Arizona rich in culture and art, I was influenced by many successful and talented artists. My father was a photographer by profession and taught me the basics of black and white film photography along with other forms of art at an early age. As a child I was more interested in illustration and painting rather than photography.
In College I studied film, illustration, graphic design, and painting. While working on my graphic design portfolio I struggled to find a photographer who could capture my work the way I wanted, and so I went out and bought my first DSLR camera. After shooting my portfolio and learning the functions of my camera It seemed very natural for me to adjust my settings and compose my shot and get some good photos. It was this moment that I really discovered a passion inside me to want to take pictures.
After a few years of experimenting and reading everything I could about the fundamentals of photography and building up my skills with lighting and composition, I took a job shooting a fashion show. There were about 2 or 3 other photographers at the event and I tried to do the best I could to try to compete with the other photographers. It was a tuff event to cover, the light was very minimal and the crowd hard to maneuver around but when the night was over I felt excited and happy with the shots I got. I felt a sense of this is what I want to focus my artistic efforts on. I remember getting home after the show and waking my wife up at 3 in the morning to tell her of the experience. I think what motivates me as an artist in the fashion industry is collaborating with creative passionate people at a fashion shoot. You have models, make-up people, hairstylists, clothing designers, and other artists who see my photos as a visual memorial that solidifies their hard work and passion, and captures a brief moment of carefully orchestrated artists collaborating and working together to create something beautiful.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
01-14-12 做客《美麗世界》 Invited to be the guest speaker for Beauty World
Today is indeed a very nice day. I had a customer in the morning and did her makeup and hair for her photo shoot that marks an important step of her life. She is also an entrepreneur who shares lots of similar vision with me. I really admire her and wish her the best for future!
In the afternoon, I was invited to be the guest speaker for Mandy Kao's TV Show "Beauty World". It is a television show broadcast in ITV 55.5 in Cantonese. It specializes to the fashion, beauty and life topic for ladies. I feel very honored to be invited for this show.
Mandy is a very successful business woman with a very kind and sharing heart! She has a charity foundation that serves as "a bridge – by offering matching grants to non-profit agencies who are already assisting the vulnerable and under-served populations." The foundation also works with agencies that already works with refugee and homeless children. She is a great role model for young entrepreneur women. Below is the website for her foundation.
Now go back to the taping of the show. Connie and Mandy are very nice and experienced in hosting TV shows. We finished the entire taping in one time. Yes, that's right! No NG!!!
I shared a couple of tricks about creating a beautiful eye look and address some general concerns about Asian eye look.
In the afternoon, I was invited to be the guest speaker for Mandy Kao's TV Show "Beauty World". It is a television show broadcast in ITV 55.5 in Cantonese. It specializes to the fashion, beauty and life topic for ladies. I feel very honored to be invited for this show.
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(From L to R: Angel Bismonte, June b Xu, and Mandy Kao) |
Now go back to the taping of the show. Connie and Mandy are very nice and experienced in hosting TV shows. We finished the entire taping in one time. Yes, that's right! No NG!!!
I shared a couple of tricks about creating a beautiful eye look and address some general concerns about Asian eye look.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
試用Cle De Peau, Try Out Cle De Peau
I tried out the following Cle De Peau Products tonight.
1. Cleansing Cream: act as makeup remover, once you put it on your skin, the cream turns in emulsion oil that melts your makeup.
2. Toner and Cotton: They recommend peopel to apply toner and emulsion moisturizer on their cotton. For couple fo reasons, 1) Cotton pad will help products spread out evenly and thoroughly; 2)The cotton pad has silk and pearl extract that helps to puff the top layer of dead skin cell.
3. La Cream: this cream cost $525. Yes, it does cost $525. It is the number one seller in this line. Very easy to smooth out. Only a pea size would be enough to apply on the entire face and throat. This high performance night cream works to clarify, contour, firm, re-texturize, brighten, and energize skin. They claim that you can see the difference in 24 hours. Let's see. ;)
This is 10:04PM. I'll write about how my face feel tomorrow morning. ;)
Now, this is 8:28AM. My face feels very soft and all the cream was absorbed. Noticed one thing, my pores on my both cheeks seem smaller. and one of my acne seems calm down quite a bit. And the dry patch next to my lip seems a little better. I'm gonna try it for a few more days and see if it does improve.
1-24-12 this is the 12th date using Cle De Peau! I cleaned, toned and applied Diorskin One Essential serum before using La Creme. I noticed two things: 1) pores definitely got smaller; 2)my blemishes appeared lighter and skin recovered faster than usual. My skin usually recovers within 14 days after acnes, but I've aged and so did my skin. It slows down my skin renewal power and I noticed that it takes much longer to recover. After using the La Creme, it does accelerate my skin renewal power; LOVE it!!!
1. Cleansing Cream: act as makeup remover, once you put it on your skin, the cream turns in emulsion oil that melts your makeup.
2. Toner and Cotton: They recommend peopel to apply toner and emulsion moisturizer on their cotton. For couple fo reasons, 1) Cotton pad will help products spread out evenly and thoroughly; 2)The cotton pad has silk and pearl extract that helps to puff the top layer of dead skin cell.
3. La Cream: this cream cost $525. Yes, it does cost $525. It is the number one seller in this line. Very easy to smooth out. Only a pea size would be enough to apply on the entire face and throat. This high performance night cream works to clarify, contour, firm, re-texturize, brighten, and energize skin. They claim that you can see the difference in 24 hours. Let's see. ;)
This is 10:04PM. I'll write about how my face feel tomorrow morning. ;)
Now, this is 8:28AM. My face feels very soft and all the cream was absorbed. Noticed one thing, my pores on my both cheeks seem smaller. and one of my acne seems calm down quite a bit. And the dry patch next to my lip seems a little better. I'm gonna try it for a few more days and see if it does improve.
1-24-12 this is the 12th date using Cle De Peau! I cleaned, toned and applied Diorskin One Essential serum before using La Creme. I noticed two things: 1) pores definitely got smaller; 2)my blemishes appeared lighter and skin recovered faster than usual. My skin usually recovers within 14 days after acnes, but I've aged and so did my skin. It slows down my skin renewal power and I noticed that it takes much longer to recover. After using the La Creme, it does accelerate my skin renewal power; LOVE it!!!
01-12-12 Never Losing Hope
This is the third day after our separation agreement. I tried to keep my involvement with the partnership to the minimum while fulfilling the duties that I was responsible for while seeking out my way out to develop my brand and my future.
One very important note is that, networking is SUPER CRUCIAL! And keeping good relationship with people is the KEY! You never know who will open up the next opportunity for you. I knew and understood it well when I was trying accounting in college. Yet, it makes much more sense lately.
I was working for Dior at Niemans a while ago and get to know some ladies working there. One of them is from Cle De Peau and she later introduced me to Cle De Peau and La Metier De Beaute.
Doing makeup is fun but it requires a lot of passion for you to suceed, no matter if you are taking the corporate route or independent business owner route. It does need someone who has the passion, the courage, the selling and marketing skill, and most importantly, the desire to learn and advance. Some people might ask what made me advance so fast? It didn't happen over night!
Because my parents are jade sculptors, I was immersed in art and studied face features when I was two or three. My favorite subject to draw were the buddhas and flying fairies in Dun Huang. Thus, my skill set was built for many years. Now, when I first start doing makeup, I did take a basic training from Houston and an advanced training from HK. With that said, it was easier for me to transfer my skill from paper to faces.
To be honest with you all, I didn't like MAKEUP the way you guys thought I did. I didn't start putting on makeup until I was 22 probably. But I love the art and couture makeup look. I also love making people feel beautiful and confident! That's why I started!
It is just the beginning and I believe that the best is yet to come!
One very important note is that, networking is SUPER CRUCIAL! And keeping good relationship with people is the KEY! You never know who will open up the next opportunity for you. I knew and understood it well when I was trying accounting in college. Yet, it makes much more sense lately.
I was working for Dior at Niemans a while ago and get to know some ladies working there. One of them is from Cle De Peau and she later introduced me to Cle De Peau and La Metier De Beaute.
Doing makeup is fun but it requires a lot of passion for you to suceed, no matter if you are taking the corporate route or independent business owner route. It does need someone who has the passion, the courage, the selling and marketing skill, and most importantly, the desire to learn and advance. Some people might ask what made me advance so fast? It didn't happen over night!
Because my parents are jade sculptors, I was immersed in art and studied face features when I was two or three. My favorite subject to draw were the buddhas and flying fairies in Dun Huang. Thus, my skill set was built for many years. Now, when I first start doing makeup, I did take a basic training from Houston and an advanced training from HK. With that said, it was easier for me to transfer my skill from paper to faces.
To be honest with you all, I didn't like MAKEUP the way you guys thought I did. I didn't start putting on makeup until I was 22 probably. But I love the art and couture makeup look. I also love making people feel beautiful and confident! That's why I started!
It is just the beginning and I believe that the best is yet to come!
01-12-12 淺談Cle De Peau,
It is a wonderful day today! I went to Nieman Marcus to receive training from Judy Lam at Cle De Peau under Shiseido, just like Lexus to Toyota. And I also receive another offer from a New York based with French inspiration company, Le Metier De Beaute. Um......Yes, they are LUXURIOUS!!!!!!!
Freelancing is fun and allows you to learn about different products. It does help me to build my own kits as well. The only thing I don't like is this: "once you start with Niemans, you will never go back to Walmart." Lol! Just Kidding.
Let me say the following: As a true makeup artist, you actually do have to know about almost everything, from Walmart to Niemans. Everybody does develope their own preferences and techniques with certain things. However, a true makeup artist should not be biased about products. The most important thing is techniques. I believe that we should expand our horizon and get to know products that are great selling in Walmart as well as in Niemans.
Besides, you will encounter customers with different background and you do need to know products that within their budget when you recommend stuff to them.
The main difference I believe between pretige cosmetic lines and drugstore cosmetic line is the ingredients and process of the products. As long as it is suitable for your skin and your budget, go for it! We only have one face! Do treat it right!!
Gratis from Judy!! Can't wait to try them out! |
Let me say the following: As a true makeup artist, you actually do have to know about almost everything, from Walmart to Niemans. Everybody does develope their own preferences and techniques with certain things. However, a true makeup artist should not be biased about products. The most important thing is techniques. I believe that we should expand our horizon and get to know products that are great selling in Walmart as well as in Niemans.
Besides, you will encounter customers with different background and you do need to know products that within their budget when you recommend stuff to them.
The main difference I believe between pretige cosmetic lines and drugstore cosmetic line is the ingredients and process of the products. As long as it is suitable for your skin and your budget, go for it! We only have one face! Do treat it right!!
01-11-12 決定了 Decision Was Made!
Today, it marks another significant day of my life. After a few months of working in a partnership with my best friend, it comes to a conclusion that the partnership needs to be ended. Working with your teacher and your friend is fun but both person needs to work it as a marriage. Once honeymoon is over, you reveal a lot more toward the other person. Now, you will have to deal with finance, authority, responsibilities, duties and emotion.
Even if you are 90% compatible with 10% incompatible, this 10% can ruin a "marriage" if it is a principal. I am the kind of person who is very lay back on lots of small stuff. I usually do not fight for authorities and I watch how everything goes. If I see we are deviating from our direction, I will make sure it is known. If I do see a problem and it is a principal problem, I will raise my voice. If there is something in running the business that I see to be affirm about, I will stand firm on my ground. However, I will usually break away when my partner does not listen persistently. And it happened.
Anyway, we decided to dissolve the partnership peacefully and I will start my own brand today. I felt relieved although I understand I will have to work twice harder. I don't know what's ahead of me and my future is still a question mark, but I am confident that I can conquer it!
Even if you are 90% compatible with 10% incompatible, this 10% can ruin a "marriage" if it is a principal. I am the kind of person who is very lay back on lots of small stuff. I usually do not fight for authorities and I watch how everything goes. If I see we are deviating from our direction, I will make sure it is known. If I do see a problem and it is a principal problem, I will raise my voice. If there is something in running the business that I see to be affirm about, I will stand firm on my ground. However, I will usually break away when my partner does not listen persistently. And it happened.
Anyway, we decided to dissolve the partnership peacefully and I will start my own brand today. I felt relieved although I understand I will have to work twice harder. I don't know what's ahead of me and my future is still a question mark, but I am confident that I can conquer it!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Concealers - Part 2 Choosing the Shade of Your Concealers
After you determine which concealer you choose to go with, it's time to talk about the shade of concealers.
You might have the following questions.
"Does it have to be two shades lighter?"
"There are so many different shades with different undertone, what should I use?"
There is no general rule for concealer to be two shades lighter. It depends if you want a more natural look or a more dramatic look. If you like to look more natural, general you pick the shade that is closest to your skin tone.
As you can see from the above pictures, one side looks more natural yet flawless while the other has more radiance. Natural look is best for day time, work and business professional. The brighter look is suitable for evening time, special occasions, or when you just want to look more glam!
Generally, you can hold the concealer next to you face and compare the color. If it looks the same, then it is your color for natural look. If you are looking for a more glam look, you would go with a shade or two lighter
Next blog will be about using concealers to cover serious under eye fatigue.
You might have the following questions.
"Does it have to be two shades lighter?"
"There are so many different shades with different undertone, what should I use?"
There is no general rule for concealer to be two shades lighter. It depends if you want a more natural look or a more dramatic look. If you like to look more natural, general you pick the shade that is closest to your skin tone.
L: natural shade, R: two shades lighter |
Setting your concealor with powder |
Effect after applying foundation |
Generally, you can hold the concealer next to you face and compare the color. If it looks the same, then it is your color for natural look. If you are looking for a more glam look, you would go with a shade or two lighter
Next blog will be about using concealers to cover serious under eye fatigue.
Monday, January 9, 2012
I Will Start Writing My Entrepreneur Diary here
I have decided to write about my feelings and what I have been through everyday, maybe every week, here.
Let me tell you a little bit about myself.
I am from Guangzhou China and moved to the States in 2000. Although it was my choice to move to the U.S., the drastic change of environment has made a huge impact in my life. I went from one of the best school in my city to a so-called "gatto" school in Houston. Went from being in the best class to study to being placed in English As a Second Language class and having to proof to my teachers that I have the ability to learn a more advanced course although my English was very much limited.
Since then, I stopped chasing my dreams, being an artist like I always wanted to become. My parents were jade sculptors and I was immerced in an artistic environment for a long long time. However, soon after I came here, I realize that having a stable job and have good income in the way to go. Thus, my dream vanished without any chase. Although I felt like suffering from all the classes every day in school, my will and desire to learn never haud me from moving ahead. I was graduated within the top 5% of the entire class and to save on tuition, I chose to stay in Houston. When I first started college, I studied interior design, but changed to business after I realize UH does not offer an accredited program.
In the next few years, I studied accounting and obtained a Master in Accountancy degree from UH. In 2007, I took an internship under PWC, the biggest accounting firm among Big4. During my internship, I worked until 2 or 3 in the morning and extra hard. According to my colleagues, the accounting firms will usually offer their interns a full time position upon completion of internship. With the hope of receivng this offer so that I could afford a better life for my parents, I went to the firm partner's office. The news was that I was not offerred the position. I cried and cried and cried. It hurt and mostly it ruined my dream of becoming independent and being able to take care of my parents with my stable income. The HR lady told me one thing I still remember "maybe you will be happier somewhere else". The ugliest truth was I was the only person who did not receive a fulltime offer and I was the Vice President for an accounting honor society. I found it very ironic.
Of course, I still finished my degree and worked for a local CPA firm for two years. During that time, I joined Amway hoping it will lead me somewhere. I am no longer doing it, but I am glad that I did because it made me re-consider my path and gave me training on how to become a better person and better yet, a sales person.
After working for the local firm for two years, I found accounting was not suitable for me at all. My boss suggested me to take a personalisys test because she also believes that I might be better in marketing, which I fell that class. I couldn't believe what she told me but still took the test. The result was quite surprising: I do possess good marketing personality. Since then, I researched on what I like to do for my second career. I found makeup and styling. Then, I did my training in makeup and started to become a makeup artist.
Then my story has gone wild after my graduation from my makeup school. I became the fashion editor for Chinese International News, organized three fashion shows, became counter manager of Dior and later promoted to be a freelancer for Dior, Cle De Peau and Shiseido.
In Aug 2010, I officially START my own MAKEUP SCHOOL partnering with my former instructor. We are five months down the road in business and we are splitting up. It was a difficul decision but I've taken out a lot from this experience.
Now, I have decided to take on a challenge that I've never done before. Want to know what it will be? Stay tune!
Let me tell you a little bit about myself.
I am from Guangzhou China and moved to the States in 2000. Although it was my choice to move to the U.S., the drastic change of environment has made a huge impact in my life. I went from one of the best school in my city to a so-called "gatto" school in Houston. Went from being in the best class to study to being placed in English As a Second Language class and having to proof to my teachers that I have the ability to learn a more advanced course although my English was very much limited.
Since then, I stopped chasing my dreams, being an artist like I always wanted to become. My parents were jade sculptors and I was immerced in an artistic environment for a long long time. However, soon after I came here, I realize that having a stable job and have good income in the way to go. Thus, my dream vanished without any chase. Although I felt like suffering from all the classes every day in school, my will and desire to learn never haud me from moving ahead. I was graduated within the top 5% of the entire class and to save on tuition, I chose to stay in Houston. When I first started college, I studied interior design, but changed to business after I realize UH does not offer an accredited program.
In the next few years, I studied accounting and obtained a Master in Accountancy degree from UH. In 2007, I took an internship under PWC, the biggest accounting firm among Big4. During my internship, I worked until 2 or 3 in the morning and extra hard. According to my colleagues, the accounting firms will usually offer their interns a full time position upon completion of internship. With the hope of receivng this offer so that I could afford a better life for my parents, I went to the firm partner's office. The news was that I was not offerred the position. I cried and cried and cried. It hurt and mostly it ruined my dream of becoming independent and being able to take care of my parents with my stable income. The HR lady told me one thing I still remember "maybe you will be happier somewhere else". The ugliest truth was I was the only person who did not receive a fulltime offer and I was the Vice President for an accounting honor society. I found it very ironic.
Of course, I still finished my degree and worked for a local CPA firm for two years. During that time, I joined Amway hoping it will lead me somewhere. I am no longer doing it, but I am glad that I did because it made me re-consider my path and gave me training on how to become a better person and better yet, a sales person.
After working for the local firm for two years, I found accounting was not suitable for me at all. My boss suggested me to take a personalisys test because she also believes that I might be better in marketing, which I fell that class. I couldn't believe what she told me but still took the test. The result was quite surprising: I do possess good marketing personality. Since then, I researched on what I like to do for my second career. I found makeup and styling. Then, I did my training in makeup and started to become a makeup artist.
Then my story has gone wild after my graduation from my makeup school. I became the fashion editor for Chinese International News, organized three fashion shows, became counter manager of Dior and later promoted to be a freelancer for Dior, Cle De Peau and Shiseido.
In Aug 2010, I officially START my own MAKEUP SCHOOL partnering with my former instructor. We are five months down the road in business and we are splitting up. It was a difficul decision but I've taken out a lot from this experience.
Now, I have decided to take on a challenge that I've never done before. Want to know what it will be? Stay tune!
Concealers - Part 1 Types of Concealer
Ok, it's time to talk about concealers. Many people ask me what is the secret my makeup technique and if I could share my secret! Of course, I've got my secrets...shuh...I'm gonna share it with you now. Just kidding. I believe that the most important thing for any makeup look is the flawless foundation. Flawless foundation leads to a clean canvas for any creative artists!
It is the flawless skin that makes people want to look and feel pretty! I also believe that as long as you CONCEAL the imperfection, your skin will appear flawlessly. However, many girls either thought that applying foundation will make their face look too made-up or will not enough to cover up their imperfections.
If you have ever thought of those above answers, it means that you probably misunderstood the purpose of foundation. The purpose of foundation is to unify skin tone, not to conceal. Concealer is designed to conceal. You can use tons of concealers without letting people know you use too much. But if you use too much foundation, people will say "SHE LOOKS TOO MADE-UP"
Now, I'm going to introduce the different types of concealers for your purchase reference.
There are many kinds of concealers in the market and I will mainly focus on the most common three. They are radiance boost pen, liquid concealer and cream concealer. I also place them in the pictures according to their consistency from light to thick.Now, I'm going to introduce the different types of concealers for your purchase reference.
From L to R: Dior, Amazing Cosmetics, NYX |
1. Liquid concealer: lightest in consistency. Most liquidy and sheer coverage. Best for highlighting and for those who do not suffer from fatigues around the eyes. Can be used on top of the eyes as primer or to even out skintone on the eyelid. It can also be used on the bridge of nose, right above the apples, and chin to highlight those areas. It is suitble for women who do not like to use lots of concealor and have concern for creasing after application.
With Radiance Boost Pen applied |
2. Liquid concealer: thicker than radiance boost pen, but not as thick as cream concealer. Medium to full coverage depending on the brand. For example, the one I have is from Amazing Cosmetics. Their concealer has full coverage because it has added lots of pigments in the product. Thus, the coverage is more saturated. For ladies who has crows feet, it is a really good product to use since it can fill in the fine lines.
Effect with liquid concealer |
3. Cream Concealer. Thickest consistency among the three. Medium to full coverage. Suitable for any skin type or need. Since it is thicker in nature, your face look more made up.
Effect with cream concealers |
Areas to apply concealers: any imperfection, i.e. my freckles (lol, j/k), under eye fatigues, blemishes, the corner around nose, right under any wrinkles to remove the shadow so the wrinkle appear smoother.
****One most important note: PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO SET YOUR CONCEALER WITH POWDER after application!!!! It is major!!! Once you apply the powder, your concealer will turn from liquid to be solid so that it won't travel. Thus, it prevents the concealers from making creases and prolong product longevity.
I'll show you girls how to apply concealer in my next video. Stay Tuned!
Jeff Taplin 2012 Winter Fashion Show
I finally have the time to upload pictures from the show I recently participated. Jeff Taplin is an awesome designer in Houston, TX. His design Sophisticated Bitch is well designed and very couture! In his fall fashion show, we chose to create a clean cat eye look with either nude, black or silver lips. Love the makeup and love the hair! Of course, Love the dresses!! They are so hot!
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